Jumat, 03 Maret 2017

Robots in the Home (page 25,26)

Robots in the Home
1.       Critical cartoons
A.      Warm up
Work with a partner or in small groups. Discuss the questions below.
1.       How many electronic devices have you used in the past 24 hours? List them.
Answer: I used at least: -      smartphones
  -          Laptop
  -          Printer
  -          Air Conditioner
  -          Fan
  -          Television
  -          Charger
  -          Iron
  -          Washing Machine
  -          Rice Cooker
  -          Refrigerator
  -          Lamp
  -          Dvd Player
2.       What activities do robots do today? What other things would you like them to do?
Answer : There is a hotel in Japan operated by Robots, they act as the receptionist, cleaner, etc.
It would be great if they could do our homeworks.
3.       Are there certain things we should always do for ourselves? What? Why?
Answer : Things that we should do on our own are study, because Robots doesn’t need to study but we do.

2.       Core vocabulary
A.      Scanning and skimming
1.       Find and underline the keywords in the text. The first one is done for you. Try to guess their meanings.
- adopt                 = legally take another’s child and bring it up as one’s own
- aid                       = to help someone/people with his/her/their problems
- career                = what one’s do to earn money
- code                   = a set of instructions for somputer
- doubt                 = questioning about something
- effort                 = an attempt to do something
- force                   = to push one’s idea, need, etc
- oppose              = to deny someone’s idea
- potential           = the ability to do something
- serve                  = to do someone’s work
2.       Read the statements below. Which best summarizes the text? Bold A, B, or C..
A.      in the future, there will be at least one robot in every home.
B.      in the future, robots will help us in the home and might also be considered family  members.
C.      in the future, we will be forced to  buy robots for our homes.

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